An Acoustic Sunday

Anterior 81 Siguiente

Jack Jezzro

Sello: 81
Año: N/D
Instrumentación: N/D


  1. At Calvary

  2. Let Us Break Bread Together

  3. Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

  4. There Is A Fountain

  5. Blest Be The Tie That Binds

  6. On Jordan''s Stormy Banks

  7. What Wondrous Love Is This

  8. Faith Of Our Fathers

  9. For The Beauty Of The Earth

  10. Be Thou My Vision

  11. Amazing Grace

  12. Rock Of Ages

  13. What A Friend We Have In Jesus

  14. Praise To The Lord, The Almighty

  15. Fairest Lord Jesus

  16. Holy, Holy, Holy

  17. Near The Cross

  18. I Love To Tell The Story

  19. Blessed Assurance

  20. He Leadeth Me

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